Authors and Writers are proudly presented on ItsAWrapDesigns.com! Each hero is honored, featured, and promoted on our Wall of Fame. In appreciation, we’re honoring them by showcasing their books here. The books are displayed with a summary and author bio. Links are also available for purchase of featured books.

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Between Sisters

It’s December 6, 1941, and sisters Helen and Addie are putting the finishing touches on their outfits for the Christmas party. The air is filled with excitement and anticipation. The holiday season always brings a sense of warmth and joy to the family, but this year, there’s an added layer of excitement as they look forward to spending the evening with Phil, Helen’s fiancé, and Luke, Addie’s best friend since childhood.

However, the specter of war suddenly looms, casting a shadow over their young lives and affecting everyone in different ways. Helen writes letters to Phil filled with love and longing, waiting every day for a reply while Addie anxiously waits for news from Luke, praying for his safe return.

Life at home changes drastically as the war effort ramps up, and women are hired to work at the local steelworks. Some people in the community prosper from the war, finding opportunities for profit while others struggle.

Despite their differences, the sisters find strength in each other as they navigate the trials and struggles of life during wartime and its aftermath together.

WOF-Bundle of Books-Between Sisters
Author Deborah Dearth

Deborah is an indie author and blogger who was born and raised in Ohio. She and her husband met while they both attended Ohio State University where she received her degree in English Literature. Her husband’s jobs have moved them to several states – North and South Carolina, Kentucky, and currently has moved back to Ohio where she and her husband now live with their fur baby, Lily. They have three children and seven grandchildren. 

She has always had a passion for literature. From childhood through her young adulthood her favorite place was the library. It was not unusual for her to check out 12-17 books a month. Her greatest fear as a teen was that she would read all the books that were written, and she’d have nothing left to read. For fun as a child, she started writing stories for her own pleasure and plays for her siblings and she to act out.

As a jack of all trades, she’s held various jobs – receptionist, store clerk, administrative assistant, medical billing, substitute teacher, accounting, and customer service. She is now retired and able to spend more time writing. She is a former Stephen Minister and is currently a spiritual mentor. 

Deborah has had two articles in the Proverbs 31 Ministry newsletter.  She has written the Healing Heart Series comprised of three novels and Tomorrow’s Promise. Those novels are clean romantic fiction. She also likes to write inspirational Christian non-fiction and has five of those types of books on Amazon. 

Her current novel Between Sisters is now available on Amazon. She is currently working on a novel and writing reflections on the book of Numbers in thte Bible.

See Deborah’s new book ‘Between Sisters‘ on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D52J8LY3 

Join her on her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DeborahDearthAuthor

Click on the link button below to get more information or purchase ‘Between Sisters’