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Ancient Magi Secrets

An old manuscript found in a London bookshop yields ancient secrets known to the Magi about the potentiality inherent in every person’s birthday.

This is NEW information, easy to look up and easy to use whether for yourself, family or friends. A breakthrough in understanding the sacred promise given to each soul at birth.

WOF-Bundle of Books - Ancient Magi Secrets
Author Jenni Stone

As an astrologer, I’ve been writing about cosmic energy and predictions for more than 30 years and have been published in many magazines and newspapers around the world, but when I first arrived in New York (from England) I knew nothing about the inner core of myself, and it was only when a friend gave me an astrology book, that I started learning about myself through the signs, charts and aspects. 

Back then I absorbed complicated manuals as easily as lighthearted novels, yet despite years of study, teacher after teacher, doing calculations, and memorizing aspects, I realized that I was still a beginner, so to improve my skills, I did readings in a psychic circle. 

There I spent evenings surrounded by the intuitive readers who were lighting candles, chanting prayers, and shuffling tarot cards. Some had a following that would line up, waiting for the cards to be spread across the table and for the psychics to say in profound voice: “I can see that you…” 

The less popular ones (like me) would sit and wait. 

On slow nights, I exchanged readings and saw how Tarot cards could often describe current events and circumstances, but when looking into the future, I mostly heard stories of wish fulfillment, and when asked to give a timeline, the psychics would say: “In five weeks, five months, or five years.” 

Astrology, on the other hand, is always “spot on” with timing and I could easily pick out dates in the past (and future) for changes of location or the ending of a relationship. 

For myself, I trusted that my chart was correct and worked at translating and re-writing an ancient manuscript that I found in a second-hand bookstore in London. That book told me that I could find success in Real Estate, so I got my license and with astrology, figured out the correct timing for listing, showings, and working with buyers. 

Based on that, I knew in advance which showings would produce results and which ones to ignore. I learned to do my open houses on days when the cosmic timing was just right and avoid the bad days and voids. This gave me an edge and my listings sold (and rented) quickly which was a good thing as that gave me the time to write about astrology and do the research for this book. 

The book I studied comes from The Mystic Test Book, first published by Brother Olney Richmond in 1893 when he was Grand Master of the Order of the Magi, a sect that claims to have originated with the wise men who followed a star to the birth of Christ. 

Now I’m putting those secrets into this book, which is based on your birthday, the day you chose to arrive on earth, so that you don’t need a chart, or a reading, all you need is this book to predict your life story, relationships, health, money, work, money, purpose, and destiny. 

As Mart Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” 

This book tells you “why” and you’ll want this information for yourself, your children, family and friends. 

We’re all born for a reason, and this book helps you to understand your personal destiny and how to be part of our expanded consciousness as we take control of the earth and work towards making a difference in our community and the world at large. 

What I want for the future is to give this book to young people who are homeless, in foster care, or coming out of prison or a juvenile establishment where they’ve got the impression that they’re nothing, no good, or are not “special.” and to women (and men) who’ve been abused, because the information in this book shows that each of us is unique, precious, and that we have a purpose to fulfill on earth at this time. If you want to help with this effort, you can personally contact me at my email Jennisd914@aol.com

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